Slave Trade and Human Trafficking Assessment

PDI is committed to compliance with all applicable regulations and ethical sourcing of our materials. PDI does not practice, condone, or knowingly source from suppliers involved in slave trade/ human trafficking. Each one of our manufacturing sites is subject to multiple third-party accredited social/ ethical audits annually, which verify our compliant status.

We are currently working on the incorporation of a slave trade/ human trafficking assessment within our Supplier Qualification Process and expect to launch the program by September 1, 2015. This program will address verification of product supply chains, audits of suppliers, supplier certification and training. In the interim, we maintain data from several of our customers, who sponsor third-party accredited social/ ethical audits of our major suppliers. With regard to internal accountability, the PDI Code of Business Ethics and Conduct requires full compliance with the laws and regulations of the states and countries in which PDI operates, including all laws regarding slave trade and human trafficking.

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