Sani-Cloth® 70
Sani-Cloth® 70 is an ideal disinfectant for use in fast-paced environments that require a short contact time and…
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HyperDRYMist® technology by Swiss-based company 99Technologies is a highly efficacious and versatile automated room disinfection system, combining rapid, high-level disinfection with low amounts of disinfectant solution. Its ability to disperse an ultrafine dry mist thanks to its innovative technology, makes it the ideal choice for any facility looking for exceptional efficacy, compatibility, increased safety with low environmental impact.
Clinically proven to be effective against spores, fungi, bacteria, viruses and mycobacteria.
No room sealing required. Treatment cycles as short as 33 minutes.
Affordable technology with low operational, training and maintenance costs.
Easy to use, lightweight and highly portable delivering non-toxic dry mist dispersion